


being the dream

Mooji The Laughter

I love this clip it captures The Laughter, what gifts we have 😀

Freedom of Forgiveness

All is forgiven and there is nothing to forgive. Forgiveness, forgiving, is the fathomless connection; wherever we forgive, we are One. Beyond hope of things being right, beyond the ideas we hold about ourselves and others, is where we are... Continue Reading →

Symphony of Science

There is really a lot of amazingness out there at the moment! I'm quietly having the most excellent ending to 2009... I was really feeling un-prepared a few days ago...I still have a very odd sensation that there has not... Continue Reading →

The motorway

Taken by my mum at Yorkshire Sculpture Park Everyone is taking it in turns to be ill...Again! ...I'm trying to refuse to be ill. This has been an amazing week where Thursday felt like Saturday, Friday felt like Sunday, and... Continue Reading →

 Whether by accident or designafter billions of years of evolutionand out of billions of expressions of lifethere is usand in all of eternitywe have this moment. 

 And yet I am the flameand each and all of the starsthat witness it and each other.

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